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Radeon 7000 and poor Video
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Author:  gumby [ Fri Nov 14, 2003 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Radeon 7000 and poor Video

Ok, I have gotten mythv working and everything except for one problem that I am stumped on. I have the video working except when watching tv both the video and audio are very jumpy and also the audio becomes out of sync. The video and audio play fine for about 3 seconds then start to not work so well. So, I tried everything from using hdparm for DMA and such to trying to configure my video card better. The problem finally came to me when I removed my ATI Radeon 7000 and installed an older nVidia TNT2 card. The card has the same issues at first and then I stumbled across the script to use for nVidia card in the docs. So I ran the script and voilla!!! everything worked great. Except one problem, the nVidia card does not have tvout. So I swap back in my AtI card and try to install the radeon drivers for it. insmod radeon and modprobe radeon both work without errors (no I didnt do both at the same time) so I thinking great, change "vesa" no "radeon" in my XF86Config-4 and restart X and away we go. Well, upon restarting X the desktop looks like what a desktop would be like had I have had the monitors contrast CRANKED and even worse the TV-OUT screen is all garbled. I try rebooting and I get the same issues. Upon reboot and trying X with the same result I realized that I had not loaded the "radeon" module and because of that I realized that the XF86Config, even though the driver was set to use "radeon" must be defaulting to the vesa driver. No matter what I do it does not seem to use the radeon module. Even when loaded lsmod shows "radeon (unused)". Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here if anything at all. I dont know any other way to install a module. I have checked the linux hardware compatability howto and it indeed says that an ATI radeon 7000 should be using the "radeon" driver/module.

Any help from someone would be appreciated. I dont want to have to go out and buy a nVidia card with tv-out when I have this perfectly good one right here.


Author:  gumby [ Fri Nov 14, 2003 5:30 am ]
Post subject: 

yes, I am replying to my own post. I've figured out that the card is indeed using the radeon driver (I guess it loads it itself when X starts up). I have posting my XFree86.0.log file in case that is a help in resolving the problem (and in case anyone has no life and cares to help).

Thanks again to anyone that takes the time to read and possibly help.


Author:  cesman [ Fri Nov 14, 2003 11:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Have you tried the ATi drivers? I don't have an ATi so I don't know if the drivers work on your 7000....


Author:  gumby [ Fri Nov 14, 2003 2:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

The ATI drivers are unfortunately only for the Radeon 8500 and above

Author:  cesman [ Fri Nov 14, 2003 2:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Have you taken a look at:


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