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HowTo: Play EVO files with VDPAU and MPlayer in R6
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Author:  mihanson [ Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  HowTo: Play EVO files with VDPAU and MPlayer in R6

Edit 04/17/09 New option -lavdopts needed with mplayer 29134-11 package.

This morning I was very excited to get smooth, beautiful playback of an unencrypted EVO file with the help of VDPAU and R6's VDPAU-capable mplayer package. It took some diddling with the mplayer settings, but it was worth the effort. You need a 180+ series NVIDIA driver for VDPAU support. I'm running 180.41 and found that disabiling the Composite extension is essential, otherwise you get a lot of video tearing. Add this to the end of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

Section "Extensions"
   Option   "Composite"   "Disabled"

I do not intend this to be an end all, "This is the way you do it." Everyone's hardware is different so your mileage may vary. This is just my experience and I hope it helps if you're trying to do the same thing.

I used this page as a jumping off point for my mplayer commands.

Here's my command that "works for me." Watch out for line wrapping.

mplayer -fs -vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau,ffmpeg12vdpau,ffvc1vdpau,ffwmv3vdpau, -ao alsa:device=spdif -demuxer lavf -lavfdopts format=mpeg -aid 4 /path/to/EVO

-fs | Open mplayer in fullscreen mode
-vo | Video output driver
-vc | Video codec(s) to try. Comma seperated leaving a comma after the last one in case mplayer can't find a suitable codec in your list.
-ao | Audio output device. My example uses the SPDIF output of my motherboard. If not using SPDIF, try -ao alsa:default first. If still no joy, look at the output of aplay -L and try one of those.
-demuxer | Demuxer type (lavf = libavformat demuxer)
-aid | Audio stream you'd like to hear. Use ffmpeg -i /path/to/EVO to see what streams are available as identified by Stream #0.N

Instead of -aid you can also try -alang en or eng for English. You may run into problems if there are multiple English tracks on the disc or if your SPDIF output feeds a stereo receiver that does not support one or more of the audio encodings in the EVO file. i.e. My receiver apparently does not support mlp audio as I got only static out when I tried to use that track.

You should be able to get away with having -fs -vo -vc and -ao options in your ~.mplayer/config file. That'll simplify your command line. For some reason it did not like demuxer in my config.

If you're still having some trouble getting smooth playback try adding -lavdopts threads=2:fast:skiploopfilter=all -sws 0 to your command line or config file.

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