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R5F1 hangs after install: Checking for patches for R5F1
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Author:  Pootle [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  R5F1 hangs after install: Checking for patches for R5F1

I've just done a clean install of R5F1, and after its reboots, and has picked up an IP address via DHCP I get:
Checking for patches for R5F1...

where it stays forever (well couple of hours anyway), and does not appear to be generating any network traffic.

The box has an IP address and can access the internet through my pfSense firewall OK. :?:

Author:  mjl [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:32 pm ]
Post subject: 


I would try once more and if it hangs try a control c to cancel that script to see if it continues. R5F1 ran fine before there were patches so should still run now.


Author:  Pootle [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Mike, have run it several times, always the same.

If I use Ctrl-C it quits out the whole script (closes the terminal window) so none of the rest of the setup runs.

I'll try and find the script it is using later and see if I can edit it to stop the patch update.

Author:  mjl [ Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:10 am ]
Post subject: 


I think the actual script is in the /root .

It really sounds like even though it gets an ip that it is not getting out to the net. If the name server was the issue you would get some error back, but a block on the return side will give you a hang sensation.

Sometimes I install firestarter and then promptly forget about it until I try to ssh login into it. It sits there even after the cows come home.

Once you get your dhcp ip, disconnect the net cable and try to proceed. Now you have a known failure point and it should continue. You don't need the patches, those are just some extra tweaks available at install time.


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