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2 problem-live tv from remote backend-onscreen guide blinks
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Author:  waw74 [ Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  2 problem-live tv from remote backend-onscreen guide blinks

I've been running a MBE for over a year, mostly just to record and covert with myth2ipod so i can watch stuff on the train.
I've also been running a FE on my mac laptop occasionally.

I recently moved and Time warner new york sucks for basic cable. it's only the local channels and food tv. so I've added a new box (FE & SBE) connected to a cable box. it's all working great.
and I've just upgraded the whole system to .21 . after a couple days of fun getting it all working i've come to what may be the last hurdle.

the SBE/FE is a clean install of ubunutu feisty. using the online how to.
i have set up one folder on each machine as a local recording directory.
i did Mtv-setup on each and put the folder in the default group.
i also have added an nfs share from the slave mounted on the master in the default group on the master
and the reverse nfs mount on the slave


1. I can not watch live TV from the slave on the mac FE it just locks up, files & live shows from the master and files from slave (except if they are currently recording) are fine.
I can watch live from the slave with the FE on the slave box just fine.

2. the guide in live tv on the new slave/front end shows up for a blink then blinks on and off with the tv image. then when i ESC out, the screen goes black.
i have tried all the different versions of guide.
the onscreen program info and menus that overlay tv images work fine.

3. I've also been getting a "Net::UPnP::ControlPoint is not installed!" error. although it hasn't caused me any problems that i know of.

the "new" box is an asus pundit i've actually had it for a while, just a re-purposing of it. with a sis graphics card.
i'm using Gnome.

I've figured some of it out. here it is to help others out if they're having the same problem.
#1 fixed- turns out i hadn't changed the ip address of the local back end in mythtv-setup on the slave from the default.

edit #2
solved my other problem, i had never changed xorg.conf to use the sis driver. plus i had to set XvOnCRT2 to true

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