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LiveTV-Playback scheduled recording instead of recording 2x
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Author:  knappster [ Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  LiveTV-Playback scheduled recording instead of recording 2x

Just a general question about MythTV. If you're watching live TV and you have the same show scheduled to record, Myth will record it both for live TV and for the scheduled recording. I know you can just exit to the menu and go to the recordings section to watch it there instead to avoid this. I was just wondering is there is an option anywhere to have myth playback the scheduled recording during livetv instead of recording it twice?

The wife is kind of oblivious to these sorts of things and with 2 HD tuners, for example:
a 1-hour show starts at 7:00 so the LiveTV and the scheduled recording are both used for that recording.
a 30 minute show starts at 7:30 so you have the option to:
1) Quit watching your show to allow both scheduled recordings to record. When you go to the recordings to continue watching your 7:00 show, you have to FF back to where you were.
2) Continue watching on LiveTV, using both tuners and not allowing the 7:30 show to record.
3) Allow the 7:30 to record and switch to watching it. Then once it is over go to the recordings to continue watching the 7:00 show, with the requirement to FF back to where you were.

It would be nice if I could avoid this somehow. I suppose the answer would be to get a 3rd HD tuner and hope there are never 3 things I want to record at the same time :P

Author:  turpie [ Tue Jan 20, 2009 9:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can you use multirec to get more virtual tuners?

Author:  knappster [ Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Looks like a no for the current version of mythtv because I am using HDHomerun. I haven't found a way to tell which channels comcast is multiplexing either, though.

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