LinHES Forums

squashfs errors
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Author:  bigtoedsloth [ Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: squashfs errors

Success!! The nvidia module option did the trick. I'm now running 8.3 and can watch recordings. Many thanks to RacerX and mattbatt for your help and perseverance.

To be clear about my steps, this is what I've done
1. Update to (or install) 8.3 using vesa mode (special hardware -> force vesa in the boot menu) from the 8.3 iso
2. reboot
3. Do a system update. myth will be running in vesa mode at this stage. There's a few updates, including the nvidia drivers, in the linhes repos since the 8.3 iso was built.
4. reboot (due to new kernel)
5. As root, add the module option as suggested by RacerX in a file (I used nvidia.conf) in /etc/modprobe.d/
6. As root, run /usr/MythVantage/bin/, which will detect and install the nvidia drivers
7. reboot

This situation epitomises my love/hate relationship with linux. Nothing works and the solution is to create a file in a seemingly arbitrary location, insert some obscure magic incantation in the file, then it works. It shouldn't be this difficult ...

Author:  bigtoedsloth [ Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: squashfs errors

mattbatt wrote:
Does a brand new install of mythbuntu or Ubuntu work?
FWIW I tried mythbuntu (14.04.2) and saw the same symptoms. Interestingly the install of mythbuntu worked without any problems (although at one point I needed to use a mouse, which is ridiculous). I can only assume it's because the installer uses the nouveau driver, rather than the nvidia proprietary one.

Author:  RacerX [ Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: squashfs errors

The obscure magic incantation comes from Nvidia, there is also a note about acpi suspend issue that may with your hardware.

This helped to clarify the issue
"lspci | grep -i vga" says NVIDIA Corporation C77 [GeForce 8200] (rev a2).

This issue here is really Nvidia MSI Kernel 3x incompatibility and the workaround ....not squash error

Glad to see it works,,,,,

Author:  bigtoedsloth [ Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: squashfs errors

RacerX wrote:
Glad to see it works,,,,,
Cheers. I don't think I would have got there without your help.

Given that my hardware suffers from this MSI issue, is there a way that I can use the LinHES iso install without resorting to vesa mode? This suggests that I could put "nvidia.NVreg_EnableMSI=0" on the kernel command-line. I'll give it a go and report back.

Author:  RacerX [ Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: squashfs errors

Yes, bring this to the attention of the Devs....

Open a ticket

Author:  mattbatt [ Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: squashfs errors

Don't thank me RacerX had the real answers I only had random suggestions that didn't pan out. But I'm really glad you got it fixed. I fear my video card will soon be a little too old and will start having these problems but that's the life of a cheapskate like me.

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