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Upgrade hardware or software first?
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Author:  wmcvetty [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Upgrade hardware or software first?

I am about to do some changes for HD playback and also want to get on R6. Mainly I am changing my CPU from intel to amd, memory upgrade, and a new motherboard (nvidia to ati on-board for now).

The question. What order should I tackle this in? Debugging issues could be a nightmare with this many changes so any advice would be apprecciated.


Author:  Martian [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

The CPU and memory upgrades should be seemless and the motherboard shouldn't be an issue unless it has an onboard chip that isn't supported in Linux (LAN and audio are the usual suspects).

I'm concerned about the switch from Nvidia to ATI however. I don't know how gracefully that will be handled by R5.5 or earlier. I'm guessing things will go to heck in a handcart right quick if it tries to load the Nvidia drivers with an ATI chip installed.

If it were me I would do a full backup (if possible) or at least be sure to have a database backup. I would then shut it down and do the hardware upgrades. Then I would throw the R6 CD in and do the upgrade first boot. That way you get the new R6 kernel which *should* have properly detected and set up for your new hardware.

Of course if things done go exactly as planed you could end up in quite a pickle (this is where good backups come in...)


Author:  wmcvetty [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the reply.

I think I am going to follow this advice, and for the backup I have another drive so I may see I can dd the myth install partition as that is all I need to preserve right? Tha other partition holds some of the recordings but that is held intact for the upgrade as far as I know.

I think I'm ok on the motherboard comparability as I have seen the board in other specs. I am using an asus m4a785td-m. I'll cross my fingers and see how it goes tonight if the Wife let's me - haha!

Author:  Too Many Secrets [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

I always update bios before I do anything hardware-wise.

Author:  stevenj [ Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm about to do the same thing. Did you have any issues/advice? I had been attempting installs and onboard video configuration with a similar AMD 785 chipset board for several weeks last month. I never did get the onboard AMD 4200 video working using LinHES R6 but did with an ARCH-only install using the ARCH repos a few weeks ago. That had the much newer kernel support for that video chipset so it worked great. I'm now about to get back to it with LinHES R6.02 so hoping it works easier. I haven't seen yet what kernel version is in 6.02.

Let me know if you have any tips. Thanks.


Author:  Greg Frost [ Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

FYI, 6.02 still has kernel 2.6.28

Author:  wmcvetty [ Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

When I upgraded to R6.01 I had issues with the on onboard video and ended up putting a pci-e nvidia in I had laying around.

Other than that all went well. Ended up upgrading to R6.02 with no issues either. Let me know if you get the onboard working as I wanted to use the hdmi connection.


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