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Author:  gatorback [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  NAS

I was going to buy a 2TB Western Digital Mybook Live, but realized I might be able to do better by adding a SATA drive to my LinHES box and sharing it through SAMBA.

It would be desirable to have the ability to remove the drive and take it with me abroad on travel. If it were formatted with the NTFS, would it work with ArchLinux?

I don't plan to access this drive all that often: it would be good if the drive went into a low power \ hibernation mode. I am not sure if this is a funtion of the drive or the OS? I got this from my Western Digital mybook drives: they power down when they are not used.

I am thinking about a Western Digital 2TB Green drive. Constructive suggestions are highly appreciated.

Author:  graysky [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:18 am ]
Post subject: 

1) Use the ntfs-3g driver and no problems

Example /etc/fstab entry:
/dev/sdb1 /media/data   ntfs-3g   defaults,umask=002,fmask=113,gid=100,uid=1000   0   0

2) Just use hdparm to set the idle timeout to whatever in your /etc/rc.local

3) That is a good drive, but you need to pay attention to its requirements for formatting. I took it upon myself to write up a page on the Arch wiki about this. See,

Author:  gatorback [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Sector size considerations

@graysky: Excellent post. Very insightful and actionable (code) guidance.

I have attempted the prescribed reading and it has led to a number of questions.

Is the sector size (512KB vs 4096KB) a parameter that is 'baked in' during manufacturing or a configurable parameter. Maybe the new 'advanced format' (4KB sectors) is configurable but does not allow sectors smaller the 4KB? If the latter is true then this leads to additional questions.

It is not clear to me if formatting the 2TB drive is formatted with NTFS, using 4096KB sectors will:

1) Prevent mounting with ntfs-3g in archlinux
2) Preclude usage as an NTFS USB HDD with XP machines.

Hopefully this can be cleared.

I was originally planning to format the 2TB with the default XP NTFS settings (with no consideration to sector size or other parameters), however, if the advance format (4KB sectors) will work under the two conditions listed above, more data can be stored (very desirable).

On a side note, a Google search for NTFS sector size and results were mostly about clusters. As I understand it a cluster is one or more sectors: I was searching for an XP DOS command to return the sector size.

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