LinHES Forums

Move recordings to file server?
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Author:  cahlfors [ Thu Jul 06, 2023 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Move recordings to file server?

Dear forum,
Encouraged by the current efforts of rejuvenating LinHES, I am planning to replace my backend to something less power hungry. The old system has a 1TB mechanical drive to store the recordings and I would like to move that to my file server, which is there anyway. How should I go about doing that?
Step 1: Create an NFS share on the file server.
Step 2: Add the new share to the list of storage groups?
Step 3: Manually move the recording directory/-ies to the file server?
Step 4: Do something to the DB to point in the new direction? What?
Step 5: Remove the old storage group entry?

Better suggestions? Caveats?


Author:  brfransen [ Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Move recordings to file server?

Step 1.5: (not to be too obvious) Mount the share
Step 3: Since you are using Storage Groups you can also use the script.
Step 4: Nothing to do if you are using Storage Groups.

Author:  cahlfors [ Fri Jul 07, 2023 3:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Move recordings to file server?

Thank you so much!
Is there a way to limit the storage in LinHES, or is that something I have to do on the file server? I have not been able to find such a setting, but have a vague memory of setting some sort of disk usage parameter way back.


Author:  cahlfors [ Wed Jul 26, 2023 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Move recordings to file server?

Moving went well. Thanks!
I decided to keep the old, local recording storage group just in case the connection to the file server is broken. The BE now records to the file server. I don't know why it chooses that location, but it is the way I want it. :lol:

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