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ivtv: ENC IRQ OVERFLOW: #73 Stealing a Buffer, 1024 currentl
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Author:  cesman [ Tue Dec 28, 2004 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  ivtv: ENC IRQ OVERFLOW: #73 Stealing a Buffer, 1024 currentl

I was plagued by this when attempting to watch live tv. The oddity was the system could record just fine. What is the difference? When a show is recorded is stored in /myth/tv/ Live tv uses /cache/cache. I had a system crash a few days ago (I was playing with something...) and I didn't bother to check /dev/hda3. I unmounted /dev/hda3 and recreated the partition as ext2 (was xfs, but fsck.xfs didn't seem to do anything?!). I then remounted /cache and made /cache/cache and gave ownership to mythtv. Worked like a charm. The morale of the story is, always check all partitions after a system crash.

Author:  rteichman [ Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am getting the same message although I did not have a system crash. Could you post the steps you took. I am not experienced in linux, and because of surgery have lost use of my right hand for a few weeks. thus typing/searching is very hard, and i had hoped to watch tv during my recovery.... thanks

Author:  kleptophobiac [ Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:05 am ]
Post subject: 

Apr 23 08:58:54 mythbe01 ivtv: ENC IRQ OVERFLOW: #4995 Stealing a Buffer, 2 currently allocated

Sigh... I only allocate 2 buffers, while others have problems with 256 and 1024. I wonder what causes the difference?

Author:  brendan [ Sat Apr 23, 2005 11:36 am ]
Post subject: 

kleptophobiac wrote:
Apr 23 08:58:54 mythbe01 ivtv: ENC IRQ OVERFLOW: #4995 Stealing a Buffer, 2 currently allocated

Sigh... I only allocate 2 buffers, while others have problems with 256 and 1024. I wonder what causes the difference?

Probably the version of ivtv used at the time. It might be the case that older ivtv versions used smaller buffers than newer ones.

Amusing anecdote: I was reading over the recent ivtv 0.3.x changelogs and saw that it had been changed to pre-allocate less RAM for the VBI function than before. Looking at the diff, it appeared that somewhere in the 0.3.x series, 16MB had been set aside for VBI processing per card. In addition to the 16MB set aside for the video output. With 3 cards in a machine, you've already used almost 100MB of RAM that way! Yikes...I think they changed the VBI allocation to 4MB per card, which is helpful.


Author:  kleptophobiac [ Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm reverting to the 0.2.0-rc3j release to try and fix my problem. I upgraded ivtv and the kernel at the same time, so now I don't know which is to blame. Yay for scientific method. :roll:

I really liked 0.3.2....

Author:  kleptophobiac [ Sat Apr 23, 2005 2:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK, i don't think it's ivtv or the kernel. I reverted both and am still getting the error. Does anybody have other thoughts?

Author:  brendan [ Sun Apr 24, 2005 2:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

According to the current ivtv list, we're not the only ones with this problem. Chris thought it may have to do with the version of the hauppauge firmware being used, but, as of this morning, that seems not to be the case. One person got rid of the messages at least by:

It seems (to me) 'ENC IRQ OVERFLOW' was introduced with the changes of
ivtv-irq.c in ivtv-0.3.3.
ivtv-0.3.3k with ivtv-irq.c from ivtv-0.3.2z works great (for video ^Ö I
have no sound for the tuners on the 500 (for any version of the driver)
^Ö but I think that is another matter.)



One poster also found a workaround:

> If I disable vbi embedding in the MPEG stream by running 'ivtvctl -x
> 0' the problem disappears.

Which you could try adding to part of your startup script(s).

I'm not planning to start mixing components from different releases of ivtv yet, I figure chris'll zoom in on the problem shortly.


Author:  kleptophobiac [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, as of 0.3.3y, my message is now:
Apr 30 21:44:40 mythbe01 ivtv: ENC Stream 2 OVERFLOW #38: Stealing a Buffer, 8388770 currently allocated

I've found my sweet spot at 0.3.2s

Author:  alusby [ Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Any new news with this? I recently started getting the dreaded:

ivtv: ENC IRQ OVERFLOW: #163586 Stealing a Buffer, 2048 currently allocated

This seems to happen while recording a show on my PVR 150 -- but I don't get the message while watching Live TV.

Any suggestions or help?

I'm running the latest version of Knoppmyth

Author:  bonedaddy [ Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is there an update to this problem? I'm getting

ivtv: enc irq overflow 2048

Has anyone else found success with 'ivtvctl -x > 0' ?

I'm running ivtv 0.3.3 and R5A15.1

Author:  khrusher [ Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

here is a duplicate thread.....

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