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PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:09 pm 
Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:13 pm
Posts: 480
Location: IN
I'm trying to burn a DVD of some news clips from the evening news which include some family members so they can see it and Mytharchive took a dump. Now I can even get it to start. It just says "Cannot burn a DVD. The last run failed to create a DVD."

I've already tried deleting the logs file (thus I can't post them) as well as the /myth/tmp/work/ directory trying to fix this. I've also restarted the box to no avail.

I'm guessing this is some sort of locking issue but both the search button and google have failed me thus far.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure this is something simple but I'm not having any luck figuring it out.



[I'm running R5.5]

ABIT NF-M2 nView | Athlon 64 X2 3800+ | 2GB DDR2 800 | HDHomerun | GeForce 6150 (onboard) | WD 640 GB SATA HD | DVD-RW (sata) | StreamZap IR receiver with Logitech Harmony remote

Vizio 37" LCD HDTV (1080p)

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:12 pm 
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I really want to get this stuff backup up on DVD so I start preparing for the upgrade to R6.

I've still not been able to figure out what is preventing Mytharchive from loading.

Please Help!


ABIT NF-M2 nView | Athlon 64 X2 3800+ | 2GB DDR2 800 | HDHomerun | GeForce 6150 (onboard) | WD 640 GB SATA HD | DVD-RW (sata) | StreamZap IR receiver with Logitech Harmony remote

Vizio 37" LCD HDTV (1080p)

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:17 pm 
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Location: Farmington, MI USA
Lock file? ... ytharchive

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:23 am 
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slowtolearn wrote:

Thanks for the tip. I had already read that thread. Both my /myth/tmp/log/ and /myth/tmp/work/ directories are completely cleaned out. I also did a search of the entire filesystem for *.lck and found nothing.

This is further supported by
NOTE: The newer version of MythArchive in svn trunk which will be 0.21 is a lot smarter and will automatically remove the lock file if it detects the script is no longer running.

I starting to think Mytharchive is putting something in the database that is locking it. Any thoughts? I really need to get this burned.



ABIT NF-M2 nView | Athlon 64 X2 3800+ | 2GB DDR2 800 | HDHomerun | GeForce 6150 (onboard) | WD 640 GB SATA HD | DVD-RW (sata) | StreamZap IR receiver with Logitech Harmony remote

Vizio 37" LCD HDTV (1080p)

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:56 pm 
Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:13 pm
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Location: IN
Bump again.

Still can't figure this one out. I'm starting to suspect it's something in the database.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I really don't want to lose this video and presently Mytharchive isn't allowing me to back it up.

Please help!


ABIT NF-M2 nView | Athlon 64 X2 3800+ | 2GB DDR2 800 | HDHomerun | GeForce 6150 (onboard) | WD 640 GB SATA HD | DVD-RW (sata) | StreamZap IR receiver with Logitech Harmony remote

Vizio 37" LCD HDTV (1080p)

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:30 pm 
Joined: Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:21 am
Posts: 51

5.5 has problems recording to dvd ( ok, for me, Dragon 1.1). Try a different compresssion/quality; it may work.

The best would be to just burn the video file onto a cd or dvd rom, then maybe mythtv release .22 will have mytnarchive working properly, or some other software can make a dvd from the saved video file.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 9:42 pm 
Joined: Fri May 30, 2008 11:49 am
Posts: 12
Greetings from Chicago! I had the same problem a few months ago after I made the upgrade to R6. I had never used MythArchive other than a couple of failed attempts so others could help more than I could however I did fix this issue specifically that allowed me to have infinitely more tries at it. It took me many hours of scouring to find the below solution the first time. This time it took about ten minutes because I remembered what I was looking for. Hope it helps and good luck!

Most of the way down the page

Start quote

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Mytharchive: cannot burn a dvd
I've been playing with MythTV again. Configuring it still is a major pain in the arse - there seems to be something wrong with the channel scanner that throws you off the track. I think.

Anyway, after recording a few programs I wanted to burn a DVD. My first attempt failed because Mytharchive tries writing to /dev/dvd by default. I solved this problem by linking /dev/dvd to my DVD device.

Tried again and Mytharchive refused to enter the burn DVD menu, showing the error below:

Mytharchive: cannot burn a dvd, the last run failed to create a dvd

WTF? A bit harsh on the error flagging, I'd say. So after searching around I found some people with the same problem but none of the helpful people would tell how to clear the error. Here's what you do.

1. Quit mythfrontend
2. Open a command prompt and:

mysql -u root
use mythconverg;
update settings set data='' where value='MythArchiveLastRunStatus';
update settings set data='' where value='MythArchiveLastRunType';

3. Go back to mytharchive and try again. This time it will let you proceed to the DVD burn menus.

Labels: mythtv mytharchive DVD

# posted by XCondE @ 09:54 0 comments
End quote

I don't monitor this board every week but I was reading up because of the recent official release of R6 and I usually spend some time reviewing the boards before taking the plunge. I have been running 0.9 since it came out.

Core 2 Quad Q9400 4 gigs ram 9500GT 1500 gig drive and two Avermedia M179. Yep just cable for now. HD Home Run some day.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:08 am 
Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:13 pm
Posts: 480
Location: IN
Thanks for the help Target!

Unfortunately I'm still getting the same error. ("Cannot burn a DVD. The last run failed to create a DVD.")

I'm a complete MySQL nOOb so it's possible that I did something wrong although it seemed pretty straight forward.

I copied the commands straight from you post and they seem to have executed properly. The first logged me into MySQL. The second connected to the mythconverg database. The next two appeared to update a single value in the database. Then I exited MySQL with a \q .

I then restarted the frontend but Mytharchive is still hosed. I also tried restarting the box. Still no joy.

My 92 year old grandmother was granted a wish by a non-profit group called Never Too Late (think Make a Wish only for old people) and she got to take a helicopter ride over the city. All the local news crews showed up and a couple of them did really nice spots on her flight during their evening coverage. I've got it all recorded but can't get Mytharchive to co-operate so I can get it on DVD :evil:

My poor grandma hasn't even been able to see it yet!

I'm absolutely stumped and just about ready to throw my Myth box out the window. I've literally spent hours on what should have been a 10 minute task tops.

Thanks again for your help Target. If you have any other ideas please send them my way.


ABIT NF-M2 nView | Athlon 64 X2 3800+ | 2GB DDR2 800 | HDHomerun | GeForce 6150 (onboard) | WD 640 GB SATA HD | DVD-RW (sata) | StreamZap IR receiver with Logitech Harmony remote

Vizio 37" LCD HDTV (1080p)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:55 am 
Joined: Fri May 30, 2008 11:49 am
Posts: 12
Well I have another non standard idea that should get the job done but it is a bit of the long way around but for a one off like this it is probably worth it. I am guessing you have a Windows machine? Some of us still do. You have Mythweb running on your MythTV machine right? If not you will need to turn it via the service menu first. (I think it is enabled by default but I don't remember anymore)

Here we go
GO to or whatever your MythTV IP Address is. If you don't know you can log in as root and run ifconfig.

Once you get to the main web page select mythweb

Go to Recorded Programs

This will give you a big ole list of your recorded programs. Now find the one of interest. Mine takes a little while to load all of the shows. Like a minute or two. Once it is loaded up you can select "direct download" for your show of interest which if you are like me it doesn't work. If it does work save the show somewhere convenient in windows land and skip to the "Do you mess with video often" step.

If you're set up is like mine then you will need a program called WinSCP.
Its free so grab that and install it. (don't install WeFI thing they have included) The defaults are fine for the install.

Once it is up and running start a new session with your myth box using the IP address in the host name field enter your username as root and save the config for later use. Once it is save it will pop up the next box where you select the connection you created and it connects. Once connected it will ask for your root password so enter it. It will then pop in to your root directory. Go up two levels and then select myth and then tv. You are logged in as root so please be careful not to accidently do anything except what you want to do here. As you probably just noticed the file names are not directly understandable.

Go back to your web browser and mythweb and find out when it was recorded and then relate that to the date and time stamp in the file system in WinSCP. If you drag it to the other windows "my documents" it will transfer over to the folder on the left side of the windows which is probably your my documents folder. Oh and you want the biggest of the three files there hopefully a .mpg extension however it could be a .nuv if you trancode to mpeg4 like I do. I would bet there are other alternatives but I don't know them. If the file you need to work with is a .NUV stop here and post a response.

Do you mess with video very often? If so you probably have tools and processes for the next step and feel free to use them. If not then follow along.

Do you have Nero already installed? Version 7 or newer?
Get the 15 day trial version of Nero 9
Its 204 megs so I hope you are on high speed. It may also need the .net framework 3.0 so I right clicked the link and opened in a new tab before hitting the DL button (in case you need it, my system didn't).

Install Nero
Don't accept the terms for the ASK browser toolbar. De Click the other two options on that first page about ASK. I don't like them and really who needs another toolbar on their browser. I did custom install and did select all since templates are something we might want for this. It might need other stuff so install that junk too. This took a while on my machine but my desktop box is old and tired. (my myth box is my fastest machine by far and yes I know it is overkill)

Open NERO Vision
It will tell your license is trial and blah blah say CLOSE.
Select DVD and then DVD-Video
Click Import on the top right corner and select your file.
Double check it is the right one by playing it here.
Hit NExt
select the menu you want if any
hit prerender if required
throw a DVD -+ R in and hit burn

Repeat as required! Hope the blank DVD you used is compatible with her DVD player.

Good luck on all that

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:04 am 
Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:13 pm
Posts: 480
Location: IN
Hey Target,

Thanks again for the very detailed response. I've been toying around with the "punt" idea. I can easily get the videos onto my Windows box (WinSCP is awesome!) and I do have Nero. I've never got into video editing though and was hoping to not have to for this project but it's looking more and more like that is going to be my only option.

I've used Mythrchive several times in the past with wonderful results and really love the feature. I absolutely hate the idea of having to "downgrade" to a Windows solution over something that I'm certain is trivial.

Perhaps I'll WinSCP the video over to my Windows box for safe keeping and then try an upgrade to R6. Maybe I'll get lucky and Mytharchive will come back to life. If not I can still go the Windows / Nero route.

I really want to try R6 but I know it's going to be an "adventure" as I customize a lot on my box. I still haven't decided if I want to try an upgrade or just start from scratch.

Anyway, thanks again for your help. I'll get it sorted one way or another.


ABIT NF-M2 nView | Athlon 64 X2 3800+ | 2GB DDR2 800 | HDHomerun | GeForce 6150 (onboard) | WD 640 GB SATA HD | DVD-RW (sata) | StreamZap IR receiver with Logitech Harmony remote

Vizio 37" LCD HDTV (1080p)


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