I tried to update bash on the KM R5.5 machine and it broke it.
I know it's my doing, and I'm sick about it. I should have left it alone.
At this point, I'm at a loss of how to repair the broken software packages.
I updated bash to 3.2.5 on Friday using a .deb file from archive.debian.org.
Friday night all appeared to be working ok, so I figured it was ok.
On Sunday night, I discovered the graphic user interface stopped working early Sunday morning (right after the weekly restart of X I have in the cron.weekly folder). It looks like the nvidia driver got broken by the bash update attempt?! After that, X wouldn't start.
When I tried to replace the old 3.1.17 version of bash from a .deb file, I found that the update to 3.2.5 changed a symlink from /bin/sh --> /bin/bash, to /bin/sh --> /bin/dash.
I manually fixed that symlink and the boot process had less errors, but nvidia and X still didn't start. And, every 5 minutes I see:
ID "C7" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
So, I set to the task of trying to fix nvidia driver. I went back to my giant Knoppmyth notebook and followed the nvidia driver update procedure (remove old driver, download, compile and install new driver). The nvidia driver process was not able to complete, and so that's still broken.
http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab264/neutron68/Knoppmyth/20140928_224250_zps55a98fd4.jpghttp://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab264/neutron68/Knoppmyth/20140929_003459_zps6171573d.jpgSomehow, trying to replace the nvidia driver has broken the mythtv backend! Now, the backend won't start any more, so Mythtv isn't running in any fashion on my KM machine.
http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab264/neutron68/Knoppmyth/20140928_224852_zpsdb9079d7.jpgAt least, Samba is still running and I can connect to the KM machine from another pc and copy video files (with pretty names) off it, so I don't lose unwatched recordings.
Options I'm wondering about:
1. putting the KM R5.5 CD back in and doing an upgrade, then restore the KM backup from last week before the bash disaster?
This is an important consideration...I wonder if there are still R5.5 patch files (the R5.5 Patcher, for example) sitting out on a server, ready to aid someone installing R5.5?
2. putting in a Linhes 6.x CD, and doing an upgrade to get a working system back in place?