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R5A12 Install. Asus A7V333. AMD 2000+ MSI TV anywhere tuner.
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Author:  fshalor [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  R5A12 Install. Asus A7V333. AMD 2000+ MSI TV anywhere tuner.

Status: everything tested works. A few glitches. Mostly smooth.

Asus A7V333 AMD XP 2000+ (Volcano 6 fan)
1.5 GB Crucial DDR 2700. ECC. (Don't ask.)
HD: 80 GB IBM 75 GXP.
Video: Ati Radeon QY with TV/Svideo out.
Onboard ac97 sound.
Dlink-530TX (not +) nic.
MSI dvd-rom drive
Capture card:
MSI TV Anywhere
Conexant Broadcast Decoder CX23881-27
E249701.1 0230 Korea 8876 ver-100

Installation Details: Performed a full "auto install" of KnoppixMyth R5A12. I let it select everything.


Some strangeness with the configs. The time settings were done during initial installation but had to be reset upon first boot. Also, there were several MySQL errors during initial boot.

Program ran (myth) and things looked cool.

One accidental move changed the host name in a menu selection option while playing around. Broke the install. Tried upgrading, fried. had to start over.

Tux was really slow with the QY. Then again, the QY's crap. May just not be a good selection for something like TuxRacer. I'll try and enable the shared memory thing mentioned elsewhere in the future. (But that would throw this in tier 2.)

Composite out works. As does sound.

The capture card also seems to work fine.

I didn't seem to find an easy way to pull in video manually from composite or coax. (IE, if you had a bunch of old VCR tapes you wanted to burn to CD.)

Fortunatly, just a few minutes of looking and I found my old friend, Xawtv.

Now using the box to pull in some fluid experiment videos.

Author:  fshalor [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Strange issue...

Okay, now this doesn't make any sence:

there's the /myth (68 Gb partition), which has 5.6 GB on it and shows as only 9% use. Yet, I'm trying to "touch blah" and getting no space left on device issues.

What the heck? Is this reserved in some strange way?

Author:  fshalor [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Okay... now I'm really confuesd.

Remount the partioton, delete a 352k image, and then I'm able to dd a 1.3 gb file in a few seconds from /dev/random.

I delete the file and then try to capture again. No space left. (There's like 60 GB left. ) Arg...

Going to add in a second drive for this.

Time to move to Tier 2.

Author:  tjc [ Thu Mar 17, 2005 8:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nope. The hardware is fine (which is what tiers 1-3 are about - how well the hardware works).

Your problem is that you've run out of inodes. What's an inode you ask? They're the indexing slots used by the file system. The /myth partition is formatted for large files which in part means providing fewer inodes to avoid wasting space. At a guess you've got a large collection of music files or something else relatively small and you've run out of inodes as a result. Clear as mud right? ;-)

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