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steps for setting up 7nif2 and PVR 250 (added R5A10)
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Author:  adrianbc [ Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:19 pm ]
Post subject: 


Thanks again. The MythTV menus look sharp as a tack. However TV is still slightly soft. I notice a difference in the weave on people's suits for example. In broascast, the pattern is obvious, on Myth with TV-out there is some blur. Motion is also not quite as smooth.

How is it for you Xtopher?


Author:  adrianbc [ Fri Sep 17, 2004 6:38 am ]
Post subject: 

I tried playing around with the settings a bit more. In particular bringing up the VertRefresh to 50-150 helped with the sharpness somewhat. I also tryed forcing the display to run at 800x600 and then 640x480( by deleting the other modes in the Screens section). 800x600 looks ok, 640x480 went off my screen by alot (only about 1/4 of the picture showed up). I tried reducing the overscan but all this did was scale down the amount of the picture that was originally showing up on the screen. In other words, I'm not seeing any more of the display.

I sort of figured that 640x480 would be my best bet to get a sharp smooth picture. Is that right?


Author:  Xsecrets [ Fri Sep 17, 2004 8:17 am ]
Post subject: 

whats happening is you are not actually getting 640x480. you are showing 640x480, but the virtual desktop is still 800x600 or larger. I've had this problem before, but I can't remember the exact cause. I think it was improper modelines. If you are using tvout, then that vert refresh is WAY out of wack, and I'm amazed it is even working.

Author:  adrianbc [ Fri Sep 17, 2004 7:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

The only Hardware difference is my TV (Sony 27"). I"m not sure how to get a working modeline.

Author:  greywire [ Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:10 am ]
Post subject: 

I have the same setup, a chaintech 7nif2 and pvr-250. Its all working more or less, but the quality is lacking: No matter what I do, I cannot get it to use 24 bit color (and I can see that its only 16 bit color, its pretty obvious) or use 640x480 resolution. When I try to use these settings in the XF86Config-4 file, it just destroys my display. I'll get anything from a vertical white bar and noise to X simply not started at all.

Seems I am stuck at 800x600 at 16 bits.

Also, I can see that in reality I'm only getting like 200 lines of resolution (as though its missing the second interlaced field) because there is obvious pixelation whenever there's a hard edge displayed.

Also, I cannot get it to play DVD's. I've tried the things mentioned in this thread.

Any ideas?

On the upside, I built an IR transmitter and configured lirc to control my DirectTV box and it worked right off the bat!

Author:  xtopher [ Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  broken dvd/cd

try this - the post by ceenvee703 ... ermissions

OR- this to get your cd/dvd to work. the post by tjc about "chmod" ... c&start=15

Author:  xtopher [ Wed Nov 17, 2004 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  color

for the color problem:

have you given more memory to the video card in BIOS? i dont remember where it is exactly, but look for video ram settings.

i think the default is 8 megs. i Bumped mine up to 64 after i upgraded to 512 for my system.

Author:  xtopher [ Wed Nov 17, 2004 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  common linux commands

I am a n00b to this linux thing but i found this that might be helpfull to others:

Common Linux terms / commands

Author:  greywire [ Wed Nov 17, 2004 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

The chmod thing worked for my DVD, I actualy found that solution some time ago.

As for the missing vertical resolution, that is fixed by using one of the deinterlacing filters (although unfortunately I can see various forms of motion bluring when things are moving).

I'm pretty sure I have my video memory set to 64 megs, but even 8 megs should be more than enough. Think about it... 640 x 480 x 3 (bytes for 24 bit color) is still less than 1 meg.

My main problems now are that I get gliching sometimes when watching live tv (especialy after using the OSD, which sometimes makes it lockup, although I havent had a full lockup since I started using the isthmus theme). Oddly, I never seem to get the glitches when watching recorded shows even while its still recording, nor do I get glitches watching DVD's.

There's something about the OSD when watching live tv that is causing problems for me...

Author:  tjc [ Wed Nov 17, 2004 6:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Did you ever upgrade your ivtv and nvdia drivers? I saw these crashes unitl I did that.

Author:  greywire [ Wed Nov 17, 2004 6:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah, I recompiled ivtv and that fixed a lot of glitches with my pvr 250, and I've got the latest nvidia drivers though I'm not certain that has helped much...

I've got 512 meg ram and even though I;m only running a 1ghz duron, I've ran top and found that I never reach 100% cpu (rarely above 50% even). I also have dma on all drives. So its not a bottleneck issue.

When it freezes up, cpu goes to 0%. a simple /etc/init.d/gdm restart brings things back (via ssh)

Author:  xtopher [ Thu Nov 18, 2004 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Serial Cable to Digital Cable Box

today is the day i decided to take the plunge : Digital cable to myth connection.

After my reformat and install of my R4V4.1 to a R4V5 i had the best picture quality and stability ever. So when i decided to "do work" on my box i would have to say i was apprehensive. but after reading this article on Knoppmythwiki i found out i wouldn't be altering MythTV just changing its settings. and this can be changed back. ... olaDct2000

i followed the updated instructions at the bottom of the page. and walla. it worked.

few things

I got the " rm -f " that seems to be haunting me when i did the make clean

i did "man rm" in terminal and it told me some stuff but i didnt know how to implement it
***************not valid************ Edit 11/19/04
so i typed
rm -f make clean

and it did more than with out the rm -f so i guess i did something right.
*******************see next post by tjc**********************

remember to rearrange you cables because the Myth box is now after the cable tuner.

->it is a bit slow to change channels [to be expected]
->two times the box seemed to try to change the cannel twice in a row. to the same channel paused then shut off the box.
->it seems you need you sync the Myth clock with you cable tuner.

things left to workout
->burn dvds of Tv shows.
->epia front end ???

Author:  tjc [ Fri Nov 19, 2004 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Serial Cable to Digital Cable Box

:shock: Very, very scary, it's kind of like watching a kid with chainsaw. You have utterly and completely failed to understand what's going on.

OK, Unix/Linux file deletion 101

The rm command deletes things. It's actually slightly more complicated than that but not in any way you care about now. For example to delete a file in the current directory called "xxx" you would say:
rm xxx
You can also delete a file in a different directory:
rm /home/joeschmoe/xxx
However you can NOT delete it if you don't own it or have appropriate write permissions to it or even if you own it but have marked it "read only". To force deletion on something you own but which is write protected you would say
rm -f xxx
If you don't specify a file name or names rm does nothing. What you did below tried to delete two files called "make" and "clean" neither of which probably existed.

BTW - When invoked as a command "make clean" is a convention for cleaning up a development area (usually using rm). What you've done is run the make utility and asked it to execute the rules for the "clean" target (basically a task or thing to create).

xtopher wrote:
I got the " rm -f " that seems to be haunting me when i did the make clean

i did "man rm" in terminal and it told me some stuff but i didnt know how to implement it

so i typed
rm -f make clean

and it did more than with out the rm -f so i guess i did something right.

Author:  xtopher [ Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanx tjc for the crime scene clean up.
I wonder if I could pick your brain for some forensic issues.

I realize I can work backwards in this instance to see what file is built with the “make” command. This cant always be the case. How do I know what file needs to deleted. The only time I have seen the “rm -f” was as a suggestion by the system after a “make” command, but it didn’t tell me what file was interfering. Is there a way to make it verbose “make –v” ?

That “make” and “clean” makes sense as two separate commands.

Author:  tjc [ Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:34 am ]
Post subject: 

xtopher wrote:
The only time I have seen the “rm -f” was as a suggestion by the system after a “make” command, but it didn’t tell me what file was interfering. Is there a way to make it verbose “make –v” ?

Yeah, "man make" should tell you... Possibly the -d flag, or maybe it's a Makefile variable. I always have to look it up...
xtopher wrote:
That “make” and “clean” makes sense as two separate commands.

The word "clean" is an argument to make. Other common task based targets for make are "realclean" or "distclean", "all", "install", "uninstall", ... So for example, "make all" would cause make to read the Makefile in that directory, look for a target (label) called "all" and do all the thing listed there.

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