# Video type: SDTV
# Type of system: combined front/backend
# Noise level: pretty quiet
# CASE: Dell Dimension 4100
# PSU: Dell Dimension 4100
# MOTHERBOARD: Dell Dimension 4100 (intel 815)
# CPU: Pentium III 866MHz
# RAM: 512MB
# CPU HEATSINK: Dell stock
# CD/DVD-RW: no-name 52x CDROM
# GRAPHICS CARD: GeForce 3 TI500
# SOUNDCARD: SoundBlaster Live Value
# TUNER CARD: Hauppauge WinTV Go
First I relocated the SQL database to another machine. On the myth machine I did a
mythtv@mythtv:~$ mysqldump -umythtv -p mythconverg > myth.sql
. Once that was dumped, I copied it to my current database server, created a database named 'mythconverg' and reimported the schema with
mythtv@mythtv:~$ mysql -umythtv -p
mysql> create database mythconverg;
mysql> grant all on mythconverg.* to mythtv@192.168.1.x identified by <pass>
mythtv@mythtv:~$ mysql -h <db IP> -umythtv -p mythconverg < myth.sql
Upon doing this, I realized that MythWeb would be broken. I added the database server's IP and hostname to /etc/hosts, and opened up /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/includes/db.php. Line 83 needed a change, so I commented the original out and added:
$this->dbh = @mysql_connect(DBSERVER, mythtv, MYTHPASS)
. Mythweb worked. I turned off mysql services to conserve resources by doing a
update-rc.d -f mysql remove
From there all I had to do was add the big 120GB disk. Becuase I'm weird, I chose to use one big partition of XFS. After fdisking the drive down to one huge partition, I
root@mythtv:~# mkfs.xfs /dev/hdb1
I cleared out /myth/tv and added a line in my /etc/fstab to make the 120GB disk mount at /myth/tv
/dev/hdb1 /myth/tv xfs defaults 0 0
Remembering that I have movies on my storage server, I futzed with autofs per the instructions at
http://www.knoppmythwiki.org/index.php? ... +and+samba .
Finally, all I had to do to get SVideo output working was copy /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.nvidia-tvout.sample to XF86Config-4, turn overscan down from 0.8 to 0.7, and do /etc/init.d/gdm restart to restart the X server.
Recording works great, caps out at around 80% CPU, which is tolerable. Live TV is pretty choppy, unfortunatly. I will soon be purchasing a PVR-150 card, since those have good reviews and come with a remote.