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PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:15 pm 
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:47 am
Posts: 535
Location: Ottawa, Canada
I finally got around to upgrading to R6 and have now updated my R5.5 based how-to for LinHes (aka R6). The old How-to is at:

In some ways this has become simpler but there are a few issues to navigate.

Summary of changes over R5.5:
1) minimum lirc is now 0.8.6 (LinHes 6.01 uses 0.8.5-CVS)
2) use released version of lcdproc-0.5.3 as opposed to the patched 0.5.2
3) lirc 0.8.6 makes changes to the lircd socket and lircd.conf file.
4) The stock LinHES hardware.conf will now work

Log in as root (it is easier).
First let's set up the build environment this will also support custom packaging but I needed it for make and ensuring the compilers are up to date.
pacman -Sy base-devel

You can use any reasonable working directory such as "/home/youruser" which I will use for examples.

Remove the old Lirc first:
pacman -R lirc

As a safety check look for any remnants of lirc_imon as it will interfere if it is present:
find / -name lirc\_imon\* -print

If you see one then move it. For example:
mv /lib/modules/2.6.28-LinHES/misc/lirc_imon.ko /lib/modules/2.6.28-LinHES/misc/lirc_imon.ko.old

Get and unpack the latest lirc:
cd /home/youruser
mkdir lirc
cd lirc
tar -xvf lirc-0.8.6.tar.bz2
cd lirc-0.8.6

Configure it by executing the following and choose "Driver Configuration" then "USB Devices" then "Soundgraph iMON IR/LCD". Once chosen then save & exit (do not run config!):

Now configure with the following option enabled to ensure things go to the right places:
./ --prefix=/usr

And make and install it:
make install

Lirc 0.8.6 makes two important changes relevant to this how-to:
** /dev/lircd has moved to /var/run/lirc/lircd
However, not everything knows this in our beloved LinHES so you will need to make a link between the two. I edited "/var/service/lircd/run" and added the following line just after "LOG=/tmp/lirc.log"
ln -s /dev/lircd /var/run/lirc/lircd

unless you do the above things like irexec will not work!

** The second important change in 0.8.6 is that the imon devices will generate a 64 bit IR code rather than a 32 bit version. You will need to modify your lircd.conf accordingly. Just like in R5.5 this file should have the path "/etc/lirc/lircd.conf". If you have an existing lircd.conf then you can modify the header. Referencing the lircd.conf in my 5.5 how to, the header section changes from:
bits 32
eps 30
aeps 100

one 0 0
zero 0 0
gap 203989
toggle_bit_mask 0x8000

bits 32
eps 30
aeps 100

one 0 0
zero 0 0
post_data_bits  32
post_data      0x9FAE

gap 203989
toggle_bit_mask 0x800000000000

which in essence adds the needed 32 bits of data.

If you need a lircrc file use the one in the 5.5 How-to and place it in /home/myth/.mythtv/lircrc and link it to /etc/lircrc (which is a work around for irexec; I haved filed a flyspray bug on this).

Alternatively I have added a more recent complete set from my environment as of 28Mar-2011 in this thread: ... 053#132053

Obtain the latest files:
cd /home/youruser
mkdir lcdproc
cd lcdproc
tar -zxvf lcdproc-0.5.3.tar.gz
cd lcdproc-0.5.3

Now you will need to configure this to compile the needed drivers. I'm lazy so I compiled them all:
./configure --enable-drivers=all --prefix=/usr
make install

Now you need to modify /etc/LCDd.conf (if it ended up somewhere else then you should copy it to /etc) as follows:
Under [server], change:

**NOTE DriverPath could also be /usr/lib/lcdproc. Check to see which one was created. Different people have seen different results. Make install should show you which one it did.

After you have tested your set up, uncomment:

so that the LCD start screen doesn't show up under normal usage. You can do this later after you have checked everything works as this screen is useful to ensure you have done things correctly to this point.

Ensure LCDd will start on boot:
Code: lcdd

Now finally, go into Myth and configure it to use the LCD for rmessages (in the set up menus)

Restart your LinHES box and the LCD should light up with the default messages and eventually with the myth information (usually date and time to start).

Last edited by christ on Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:29 am 
Joined: Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:07 pm
Posts: 28
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Thanks for doing this. A very good how-to.

I had some issues, but they could have been related to my setup. I did not have 'lcdproc' installed before, and do not use a remote (I have a keyboard). So that could have changed a few things.
I did the "make install" as root.

Some hints for others:
1. Following the steps, my install put LCDd into "/usr/local/sbin". The default "/etc/sv/lcdd" (for ' lcdd') points to "/usr/sbin". Editing "/etc/sv/lcdd" fixes this.
2. LCDd.conf was not installed in "/etc", and was actually in in "/usr/local/etc". Two possible solutions: (1) edit "/etc/sv/lcdd", or (2) copy to "/etc". [I chose option 2]
3. I chose 'tinker' in MythTV configuration for LCD, and then hand edited LCDd.conf .


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:50 pm 
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:47 am
Posts: 535
Location: Ottawa, Canada
You are right. I guess my notes were not complete. I'll modify the above.

to get the right path, you can "--prefix=/usr" to the configure command which should solve item (1).

As for item (2), this did not happen to me. However, you are correct, our architecture expects it in /etc so that is where it should go.

Thanks for the update!

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:23 pm 
Joined: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:46 pm
Posts: 89
Hi christ,

Thanks for your great guide. I was looking for that since my R6 upgrade.

I own a Silverstone case GD01 with this imonlcd
[root@mythtv ~]# lsusb
Bus 004 Device 002: ID 15c2:ffdc SoundGraph Inc. iMON PAD Remote

I have two problems with the LCD (Just one now)

First problem the LCD is not very bright. I cranked up the contrast to 600 in LCDd.conf. It help a bit but not su much. It was lighter under R5. Any hints?
## Soundgraph iMON LCD ##
# Specify which iMon protocol should be used [legal: 0=15c2:ffdc device,
# 1=15c2:0038 device; default: 0]

# Set the exit behavior [legal: 0=leave shutdown message, 1=show the big clock,
# 2=blank device; default: 1]

# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd0]

# Select the displays contrast [default: 200; legal: 0-1000]

# Specify the size of the display in pixels [default: 96x16]

# Set the backlight state [default: on; legal: on, off]

# Set the disc mode [legal: 0=spin the "slim" disc - two disc segments,
# 1=their complement spinning; default: 0]

Second one
I'm just seeing the big clock with the heart animation. The LCD don'T show menu navigation like in R5. Any hints?

EDIT: Add Setting 'LCDServerHost' to in the settings table fixed it.

PS Do you check this link with an imon server? ... nLCDTweaks

It's great to have my LCD back in service after a so long time.

Thanks for helping

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:28 pm 
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:47 am
Posts: 535
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Bob wrote:
Thanks for your great guide.
You're welcome, I figure I need to document it for myself anyway so why not do it publicly so others can benefit.

Bob wrote:
I own a Silverstone case GD01 with this imonlcd
[root@mythtv ~]# lsusb
Bus 004 Device 002: ID 15c2:ffdc SoundGraph Inc. iMON PAD Remote
ffdc is one of those bizare codes from iMon which has many types of devices associated with it. On mine it is an LCD on others it is a VFD.

Bob wrote:
First problem the LCD is not very bright. I cranked up the contrast to 600 in LCDd.conf. It help a bit but not su much. It was lighter under R5. Any hints?
Not sure what to tell you. I think it is the same on mine as before. I just double checked the driver and the only options it really has are contrast(0 to 1000) and backlight(on/off). You can fiddle with the contrast as higher is not necessarily better and the effect is not necessarily linear.

Bob wrote:
Second one
I'm just seeing the big clock with the heart animation. The LCD don'T show menu navigation like in R5. Any hints?

EDIT: Add Setting 'LCDServerHost' to in the settings table fixed it.

This is strange as the default lcdd.conf I had included this. Where did you find your lcdd.conf?

Bob wrote:
PS Do you check this link with an imon server? ... nLCDTweaks
I've interacted with Ron before but I had not seen those notes. Just be careful because as he says at the top, it is dated. lirc has changed significantly in 0.8.6 as it relates to iMon.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:55 pm 
Joined: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:46 pm
Posts: 89
Hi christ,

This is strange as the default lcdd.conf I had included this. Where did you find your lcdd.conf ?

I used the default lccd.conf per your instruction. The modification i have made is directly in the mysql database with Toad for mysql. I found this info in thread after a googled it.

The solution was to had this record on a fresh R6 install (Not R55 upgrade to R6)
Add Setting 'LCDServerHost' to in the settings table fixed it.

Thanks again
Bob :D

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:17 pm 
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:47 am
Posts: 535
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Interesting. So on a completely fresh install you would do:
mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg
mysql> insert into settings (value,data,hostname) values ('LCDServerHost','','YourHostName');
mysql> quit
where YourHostName is the name of the machine with the LCD.

I don't have this in my database for settings so there is probably another reason why you are seeing this issue.

In your /etc/hosts file do you have only:
Code: yourhostname localhost
plus some trailing comments?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:36 am 
Joined: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:46 pm
Posts: 89
I have this in my /etc/hosts
Code: mythtv
# /etc/hosts: static lookup table for host names

#<ip-address>   <>   <hostname>

# End of file

So yes my /etc/host is different than your.

Other important thing i have upgrade to 0.22 Mythtv with the how to from the forum. My initial google is effectively related with 0.22 Is it a coincidence? Is it required for 0.22?


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 12:05 pm 
Joined: Sun Nov 20, 2005 10:07 pm
Posts: 116
Oooo, you always want a localhost.

You can still have your hostname def... but for all apps to be happy looking for a "host" named "localhost" it should be assigned to

But also can have your hostname (INCLUDING "localhost")

I have a stock etc file and it reads: MythTV localhost

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:24 pm 
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:47 am
Posts: 535
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Bob wrote:
I have this in my /etc/hosts
Code: mythtv

So yes my /etc/host is different than your.

Odd. Where did this come from?

I am also on 0.22 from the testing repo. bkamen is correct and to my knowledge the only thing in your hosts file you should need is the format I specified above.

I just double checked my master backend and one of my dedicated front ends and they are all this format.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:31 pm 
Joined: Sun Nov 20, 2005 10:07 pm
Posts: 116
And what's dangerous here (I remember fixing stuff like this all the time) where someone would edit /etc/hosts and then change the IP address outside of normal system admin routines that would allow the new assignment of the interface IP while the old hosts file still existed.

So now when an application asks the resolver to contact "myhost" at an old address -- it contacts the wrong IP or a nonexistant one. Hehe.

So that stuff needs to be considered carefully.


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:10 am 
Joined: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:46 pm
Posts: 89

Thanks for reply

I normalized my hosts file with only For now all is working good.

I don't remember when and why i hardcoded the machine Ip Adress there.

My LCD is working great. I tested with XBMC and the LCD is still working when i activate it under XBMC. I don't have tested if i remove the entry in the database. Anyway it' not hurting.

Next step i will try to make the Imon remote pad to work.

Thanks for your help

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 6:11 am 
Joined: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:28 pm
Posts: 53
Location: Montreal, Canada
I have thought I would try this how-to tonight. It is well written and easy to follow, but at then end my lcd didn't work and my mce remotes don't work. I don't have a lot of experience, but I like to try things to learn. Sometimes not the best plan. The remote worked 'out of the box' on install, is there a simple way to make them work again?

I tried changing the reciever in the LinHES settings section
I tried changing the lirc to driver to mceusb
cd lirc/lirc-0.8.6
./ --prefix=/usr
make install

I guess I shouldn't have started this, I don't really have much time for this these days, but would really like my remotes to work again. Any help would be awesome.

KnoppMyth R6, Antec Fusion, Asus P4P800-VM, Pentium 2.8Ghz, OCZ 2x1Gb RAM, 500Gb SATA, Hauppauge 2 PVR-150MCE, Nvidia GeForce 5600, Samsung SyncMaster 225BW (VGA), Optoma HD65 Projector (DVI)....

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:16 pm 
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:47 am
Posts: 535
Location: Ottawa, Canada
I will apologize in advance if I'm slow to respond as I'm very ill this week.

changing the driver to mceusb isn't going to help because you likely have some form of imon hardware.

The above procedure is only for "Antec Fusion Black 430 (aka Veris)(with LCD)". My guess is your Antec Fusion may be different. Are you sure it is a Black 430?

Can you also output what you get from lsusb? Mine is:
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 15c2:ffdc SoundGraph Inc. iMON PAD Remote Controller

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:25 pm 
Joined: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:28 pm
Posts: 53
Location: Montreal, Canada
That is a fast reply in my books....Thanks. My case is an older Antec fusion, I was presuming it would be similar to get the VFD to work. Mine definately doesn't have the IR receiver. Now I am just hoping to back peddle and get the mce remote to work. Here is the out put from lsusb:
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0471:0815 Philips eHome Infrared Receiver
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 15c2:ffdc SoundGraph Inc. iMON PAD Remote Controller
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

Thanks for the help christ......JJ

KnoppMyth R6, Antec Fusion, Asus P4P800-VM, Pentium 2.8Ghz, OCZ 2x1Gb RAM, 500Gb SATA, Hauppauge 2 PVR-150MCE, Nvidia GeForce 5600, Samsung SyncMaster 225BW (VGA), Optoma HD65 Projector (DVI)....


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